Kamis, Februari 02, 2012

Spot Mancing Baru di Kaimana, Papua

Dua tahun lalu, ada sebuah kapal turis (liveboard) dari Sorong tiba di Kampung Lakahia di Teluk Etna, Kabupaten Kaimana dan meminta masyarakat setempat menjadi guide bagi beberapa tamu Australia di kapal itu untuk mancing di sekitar Etna Bay. Mereka lalu menuju Sungai Urama dan Sungai Mairuma. Di sungai-sungai tersebut, mereka berhasil mendapat ikan Baramuli (kakap putih), kakap hitam (Papuan Bass). Pada keesokan harinya, mereka mancing lagi di sekitar muara Urama dan mendapat banyak ikan kakap putih, kakap hitam, bubara (GT), dan beberapa jenis ikan lainnya.

Cerita tentang pemancingan ini, kemudian dimuat di salah satu majalah berbahasa Perancis di Paris. Publikasi ini kemudian menarik salah seorang pegiat wisata mancing yang juga anggota International Fishing Club asal Perancis untuk mencoba mencari spot-spot lain di sungai dan danau di Kaimana. Melalui browsing di internet, akhirnya dia menemukan nomor kontak saya dan kami pun berkomunikasi. Akhirnya ia memutuskan untuk datang ke Kaimana, namun karena kesibukannya di temapt lain, rencana itu baru diwujudkan akhir November 2010 lalu. Mr. Leo, teman itu, datang dengan seorang pemancing pemula juga orang Perancis dan membawa seorang juru masak Orang Manado dari Sorong. Dia kemudian menggunakan kapal ketinting kecil milik Kantor Pariwisata untuk melakukan perjalanan ke teluk Etna.

Alhasil, di Etna mereka berhasil menemui seorang guide yang pernah ikut bersama tamu kapal yang mancing di Etna Bay dua tahun lalu. Selama empat hari mereka mancing di Sungai Urama dan Mairuma serta muara kedua sungai tersebut. Hasilnya menggembirakan, mereka dapat banyak ikan,bahkan teman Leo yang hanya sebagai pemancing pemula saja bisa mendapat banyak ikan , mereka puas dan berjanji akan menmbawa tamu-tamu lainnya untuk mancing di sini.Menurut yang dituturkan oleh Leo kepada saya, spot Etna Bay ini dapat dijadikan spot mancing internasional bagi tamu-tamu mancanegara. Menurutnya spot ini sangat tepat dan unik, tamu dapat mancing di sungai sambil menikmati pemandangan sungai, menikmati burung, bahkan juga binatang di tepi sungai. dari penjelasannya, saya baru tahu bahwa trend mancing wisata dan mancing olahraga dunia telah berubah dari mancing di laut lepas yang monoton dengan pemandangan khas laut lepas menjadi mancing di Sungai dan danau yang memiliki bonus pemandangan yang menakjubkan.

Leo mengusulkan agar sungai tersebut dikonservasi agar ikan bahkan burung dan binatang di sungai itu akan lebih banyak dan jinak. Ia juga bermaksud membangun lodge di sekitar sungai tersebut dan mengajak masyarakat untuk berpartisipasi dalam usaha pariwisata tersebut. Oleh karenanya, masyarakat di sekitar spot mancing tersebut harus kita beri pengertian baik agar dapat menerima alternatif uasaha yang ramah lingkungan ini.

Kantor kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Kaimana menyambut baik peluang ini dan awal tahun 2012 ini akan terjun ke lapangan melakukan sosialisasi sadar wisata kepada masyarakat di sekitar obyek tersebut. Semoga berhasil**

Rabu, Januari 25, 2012

Chinese New Year Celebrations in Kaimana Papua

As usual celebration of Chinese New Year or Imlek in Kaimana has always implemented simple. But this year, Chinese New Year celebrations in Kaimana also a bit special. I call it special with a reason, because the Imlek New Year celebrations this year also included people of Chinese descent in Kaimana, for which in previous years has not been done. The involvement of Chinese not only as an invitation to the celebration of Chinese New Year but also as an executive committee activity. People of Chinese descent are also coming from different social classes and ethnic groups different, there are bureaucrats, some legislators, there are civil servants, there is a politician, there are fishermen, and they also come from religious backgrounds as varied as Catholicism, Protestantism, and Islam. I myself as an indigenous people of Kaimana from Irarutu or Kuri tribe also had the opportunity to attend the celebration because my wife is also of Chinese descent. Although my wife was not a direct descendant, but physically she is still look of Chinese descent face, and by tradition, they also still carry some of the habits of Chinese people, such as cooking some typical cakesof China, believing Feng Syu, also some kinship term of China.

Imlek event tonight is very simple place, right at 9.00 p.m. local time, the show parade started from the Rumah Kongsi (house for the activity of Chinese people in Kaimana) on the Trikora street, China Chinatown complex in Kaimana. Chinese New Year parade event began with the reading of prayers led by a priest (in Kaimana, all the Chinese people have embraced the religion, especially Catholicism, or in other words can be mentioned that in Kaimana was no Chinese or of Chinese descent who was a Confucian). After the the parade, the next is the main event of the celebration of Chinese New Year reception, which ended with fireworks show in front of "Rumah Kongsi". Evening event was also attended by Mr. Matias Mairuma (The Regent of Kaimana are also of Chinese descent), Mr Frans Amerbay and Herry Pattinama (Both brother from the same mother of Chinese descent is Vice Chairman of the Kaimana district parliament), also attended by Chief of Police Kaimana , and Head of Religious Affairs Kaimana District. I am with my wife and my kids and two of my sister in law with dominant red dress, together referred to attend. It feels a bit strange, because I only own the Papuans who is black, curly hair, was with the Chinese people are straight-haired and white skinned in this celebration. In order to not feel strange, I took a place near my close friends who are of Chinese descent.

Chinese New Year celebration event by involving people of Chinese descent in Kaimana in this year have deep meaning, especially in order to establish social relations between ethnic and religious better in Kaimana district. Imlek New Year event is certainly a different perspective, because although some of the ideas of social activities that had rolled in Chinese meetings could not be implemented but I think it's a more advanced perspective view of a young generation of Chinese in Kaimana now than the older generation they are a little more exclusive . It was also demonstrated by a new stage of Chinese People's role in Kaimana are beginning to shift from the realm of economics and business to politics and socials.

Happy Chinese New Year,
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